The Gateway difference comes from the purpose and intent infused into every aspect of our five integrated programs.

About Gateway
Our mission is to be the premier mental health treatment center dedicated to the healthy development and well-being of adolescents. Gateway is a place where teens can heal and reach their full potential.
Gateway At A Glance
Gateway is dedicated to the healthy development and healing of adolescents. We provide a safe and nurturing environment through five integrated programs: Therapy, Academics, Community, Exploration and Fitness.
With integrity and respect, we help youth feel empowered and valued, build healthy relationships, make thoughtful decisions, develop life skills, become life-long learners, and achieve their personal best.
What Sets Gateway Apart
The Gateway difference comes from the purpose and intent infused in every aspect of our five integrated programs. Every interaction, activity, and experience is individualized and designed to ensure each young person's healthy development, healing, and growth. Gateway achieves this through:
Therapy that is individualized. Gateway therapists have expertise in multiple therapeutic methodologies and techniques. Drawing from their broad knowledge base, they design thoughtful, sophisticated treatment plans to support each youth's unique strengths and needs.
Education that is personal. Gateway teaches to each youth's learning style—not just to a curriculum. Youth are challenged and supported within their own individual abilities as they learn to think critically, communicate effectively, and become life-long learners.
Exploration that is therapeutic. Gateway’s activities safely challenge teens socially, emotionally, and physically. These opportunities are a therapeutic tool to help them to push themselves, learn how to form healthy relationships, practice cooperation, and develop life skills.
Community that is empowering. Gateway’s small, home-like environments provide the nurturing adolescents need to thrive and the safety to practice positive relationships. Through staff mentoring, peer interactions, group activities, and volunteer service, our youth learn self-advocacy, life skills, and self-confidence.
Fitness that is focused. Gateway youth participate in targeted exercise and deliberate physical movement in therapy, school, and their community. When movement is focused and performed at specific times, it not only improves their physical health, it also prepares them to learn, sparks motivation, helps regulate emotions, and enhances self-esteem.
We live in a world of relationships. And with every encounter, conversation, experience, and activity, our brains are busy processing information, either reinforcing existing neural pathways or growing new connections. What distinguishes Gateway from other treatment centers is our emphasis on brain-based learning and healing within the context of relationships.
We believe that by understanding what’s happening in an adolescent’s brain at this formative stage of development, we can more effectively teach to it. And by focusing on therapy that is rooted in relationships and individualized to each student, we can help each one learn, grow, and heal. Our therapists draw from their broad experience in clinical techniques and interventions to design sophisticated therapy that specifically addresses the needs of each adolescent and their family.
Gateway Academy is designed to serve youth ages 14 – 17 struggling with anxiety and depression, as well as other challenges including:
executive functioning problems
impulsivity and attention problems
social and relationship difficulties
unresolved trauma
diminished self esteem
difficulties at home
excessive computer/electronic use
oppositional attitudes
identity and developmental issues
Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD)
body image issues
experimentation with alcohol and drugs
lack of motivation
academic deficits and/or school refusal
and other comparable difficulties